There is purpose in your pain.

Duchenne – this is a word I just can’t get away from! Every day, many times a day I think this word, I say this word, I read this word, and I hear this word.

I wish it would just go away, but it doesn’t.

If you’ve followed our story for long you will know that Duchenne has seriously affected our family. For us, Duchenne (as in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) is our biggest difficulty. Duchenne brings our greatest pain and heartache in life.

And you know what?! We never asked for this! Our family never signed up for this. I’ve heard some call it the hand we were dealt. There are millions of difficult circumstances that humanity deals with and for whatever reason this one — Duchenne — is ours.

Do you have a word you can’t get away from?

What is it that is causing your family pain? Is it cancer? Autism? Another sickness? Mental illness? Addiction? What difficulty are you dealing with?

If there is one thing I am learning at this point in our journey with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy it is this:

We may not have the power to change our pain, but we do have the power to change our perspective about our pain.

In the Bible, there is a teaching to people that are going through difficulty. Here is what it says:

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”  2 Corinthians 1:3-4

As a Christian, I know that I serve a God who has the nickname, “The God of All Comfort.” God is comforting me so that I will be able to comfort others. This brings a much-needed perspective to any difficulty you are facing. The truth is, no matter who you are, you will face trouble, heartache, and pain. Everyone does! The question we all should be asking is, “Who?”

Who can I help through their pain because God is helping me through mine?

The perspective we miss is that every pain you endure and experience God’s help in provided you a new door of opportunity for service to others.

For us, Duchenne is a door of opportunity to share God’s love and comfort with other Duchenne families. It gives every person in our family a unique ability to relate to others who are facing difficulty.

I am not one to believe that God specifically chooses to give disease or pain to one family over another. Sickness and disease is part of this life, but I think of how often Christians pray for God to use them to reach more people… We say, “God, give me an opportunity to tell people about you!” and when difficulty comes into our lives we are ready to get angry at God, or use our pain as an excuse not to serve God. What if your greatest difficulty is your greatest opportunity for ministry?  You might just be missing the best opportunity you’ve ever had!

Life is short. We need to make every moment count. Difficulty and pain are sure to come in life, so look for the door of opportunity within your difficulty.

We may not have the power to change our pain, but we do have the power to change our perspective about our pain.

Thanks for reading. What are your thoughts?

One thought on “There is purpose in your pain.

  1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I do not have Duchenne but I have a right knee that that’s giving me problems for many years. When I pray I ask God to help me see the opportunities to help others and to step into those opportunities. I know that what’s going on with me is not from God it is because of the fall.


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